When they go....

Haven't you found that by living in another country that you really need a guest room? My memories of our guest room as a child was an unbelievably pristine space which was rarely used by visitors rather more by my father when he and mother had a " disagreement." It was otherwise called " the dog -box."

When we moved from an apartment to a house I was thrilled to have the extra space for a guest room. And my office. And a "dog -box".... Anyway to cut a long story short it is used on a regular basis by visitors too. One thing is sure about New Zealanders..they travel. So we have never been in short supply of visitors to fill up our guest room. Sadly we don't have another " dog- box" option but that's another subject.

We have had both family and friends in Bordeaux for the last few weeks surrounding our recent wedding. Our guest room has been filled, emptied, filled and emptied for about the last 6 weeks without pause.I even permitted myself to be really rude to my best friend about how rapidly she managed to transform the space into her own expression of a clothes horse.

The last of the visitors left yesterday. It has been wonderful to have cups of tea on tap and natters in english a gogo for the last few weeks and now home seems very empty. I came home from work to what felt like a wasteland. Echoes of kiwi laughter followed me around the house. My children moped for their kiwi mates and my husband for his sailing conversations with our friends. As for me, well I couldn't even say good bye to them all yesterday.

I have never got used to people leaving to go back to NZ and so my personal remedy is simply to leave the house without a goodbye. Its easier, cleaner. I sat down in the kitchen to write my blog and discovered that the house's emptiness had left me with writer's cramp. I opened the fridge to look for inspiration for to cook for ONLY 4 instead of 8? In the fridge door a bottle of champagne left by generous friends begged to be opened.

My husband and I toasted their safe return to New Zealand and our repossession of the "dog-box." I then cooked comfort food to cheer up my family. Fresh fettucini with gorgonzola and flat parsley served with my green crunch salad.

See recipes.


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