...relationships and "self."

Spring is in the air. So is love.

Even at the supermarket one is surrounded by hormone-charged love nymphs.

After 17 years in France one would think/hope that my anglosaxon self would have become accustomed to the French openess of ardent PDA, public displays of "affection,"...well, I haven't. 

Picture this...
Last week, arms loaded with groceries, at the queue in my local minimart...a beautiful Spring afternoon. Whilst I am thinking "mm salad" the young anglo couple behind me were thinking " mm sex!!" 

One can only imagine they were under the belief that not a soul in France speaks/understands english. Their conversation, at highly audible volumes, was "rated!"
To boot, their dialogue was punctuated with the most FRENCH of PDAs.

My local minimart cleverly merchandises all the Lindt chocolate beside the checkout. As any self-respecting women will admit, there is nothing quite as interesting as chocolate.In order to avert my attention I started reading through the chocolate tablet labels..What happend next reminded me so much of my 20-something student self and how easily we girls lost all prowess, and self respect, when Spring swung our hormones into overload. 

The anglo girl behind me broke away from her chap and also started going through the chocolate tablets and into choco-reverie, 
"oooh look at this one, nougat and and this, almond slithers, oh and wow, piment d'espellete, that's red chilli, oh GOD to die for!! Oh yum passionfruit with black chocolate. Look at this one Creme Brulée, mmm how do they do that? And white chocolate with truffle filling, OMG!!..."
This went on for at least three minutes until she realised she had totally lost his interest at which point she said, 
"...oh, mmm, well, anyway I don't like chocolate, never eat the stuff.. "
I walked out of the queue and took a giant sized block of dark, truffle filled swiss chocolate!!

One of the nicest things about growing older and being 40-something is that we don't need to "pretend" and "adjust" to please men anymore. 

Spring fever is a delight at 20 but being one's own woman tastes even better..


  1. True to yourself post had me nodding and laughing in agreement.Thank you for your amazing sense of humour. You always make me feel less desperate!

  2. Love choco reverie post. Agree, nothing worse than public diplays of affection. Hope your chocolate was a worthy consolation. Jeannie

  3. True to Yourself, just brilliant, great post. Just found your blog and wanted to say how much I like it, very refreshing, great recipes and your humour rocks. George


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