
Showing posts from January, 2012


...the joys of an accent Have to blog about my latest encounter of the "racist" kind... My son is off to London for a week. Born and bred in South West France, he hasn't any notion of "putting on a coat."  Even at 17 we have to battle with him to put on his coat when the temps drop below zero...which, fortunately, is not often! This morning the mother went off to Galleries Lafayette to battle in the sales to find him a coat... I was wearing my nerves on my sleeve as he wasn't with me and he is notoriously difficult when it comes to clothing. The coat I suggested yesterday was rejected as "ski" rather the "street" wear.  I decided to be thoroughly modern and photograph the coats and text the photos to him to choose. So there I was in the madding throbbing crowd, photographing away when a shop assistant and her streaky-haired number 2 came up to me and very firmly told me that photographing was stricting not allowed...I looked aro


Will 2012 be the year....enough of bollocks resolutions? I will never forget my first school report.  Age of  7 -  Std 1. " Susan has a sunny disposition" ... then came all the "buts"... The "buts"in my case were based upon the fact that I was too chatty, too energetic...never stopped talking. It wasn't held against me but was put forward as a possible energy to channel. I will admit that such comments followed me throughout my school career. As a "talker" I was propelled into debating and drama, both of which "channelled" talkies and energy plus put my "sunny disposition" into value. I then ended up becoming a lawyer so I could earn my living by talking.  I continued to become a teacher so that I can still continue to talk throughout the day... The moral of the story is that we girls DO need to let it out, rant, rave, chat, laugh, share, scream and be joyful. My resolution -  to source the joy and sunshine within