and what about all those dick pics...!


I was going to tell you about my first "coffee dates" but have just been reading about British MP William Wragg's outing of the very very naughty photos he sent to someone he met on a dating app and it reminded me I hadn't yet told you about my escapades with dick pics.

I'm always amazed at the ease with which politicians wiggle out of their libidinous activities. Remember 49 year old Clinton swearing he had not had a "sexual relationship" with Lewinsky. God knows what label we should stick to 18 months of Mr President being pleasured at his Oval desk by his lithe 22 year old intern  - knee strengthening, tongue yoga, dusting? He later went on national television to admit he'd had an inappropriate relationship with her. Inappropriate?? And, even then, the nation's trust in him was not fractured. Imagine the witch hunt if a female president were to do the same.

This morning, I actually burst out laughing at MP Wragg's slimey and orchestrated attempt at "vulnerability," twisting his irresponsible dick pic operations into a pitiful litany of " I've hurt people by being weak!
He is in the public eye and should act accordingly. He was irresponsible - end of story.

Why do men even begin to think it's ok to send dick pics? When I first signed up to dating apps, I rather naively accepted to chat to several contenders on WhatsApp  - it was always their idea and gallantly suggested/disguised as a "less invasive" "more private" way to chat to each other. With most of them we did not even get to talk. At least 4 of them sent me dick pics of their veiny throbbing members before even writing "bonjour!" One chap even sent me several shots from various angles of what can only be described as his geriatric leaning tower of penis. I remember feeling rather anthropological in my study of a wirey, grey unmanicured bush (gagging noises!!) and telling another to "hold on, whilst I get my specs!" Another clearly considered himself up there with Martin Scorsese, sending me not just a pic but a mini and rather vulgar video of his willy in the shower where I could also see his wife's floral dressing gown hanging on the back of the bathroom door. Delete, delete, delete.

As you can imagine, I have become most adept at blocking phone numbers on WhatsApp. I have gone through the trials of self hatred for being so utterly naive as to have given my number out but now I just feel rather angry that this behaviour has become the  normalised equivalent of a dog marking its territory.

So back to my question - how is this in any way acceptable or ok? 
My simple answer is - it is not. 
Sending unsolicited dick pics is like handing someone a flyer for a concert they didn't ask to attend. Sure, you might think you're the headline act, but chances are they didn't even want to see your opening act. Plus, it's not exactly the kind of performance that leaves the audience wanting an encore.

Thanks for reading me.
Susie xxx


  1. LOL you are a very funny woman. Love this blog. Write the book!

  2. Sandra Piddock7 April 2024 at 08:27

    Leaning Tower of Penis! That cracked me up. In the UK it's now and offence to send dick pics and just recently someone was handed a prison term. Well done for highlighting this situation. It's not nice and it's not normal.

    1. Sandra thanks so much for your feedback - much appreciated and happy I made you laugh even thought DPs are completely offensive!!

  3. You are the master of the cliffhanger ! If I may......:):) "jeu de mot " here, but I can't wait reading the next article :). Of course, this is absolutely Not ok to send pics unsolicited ! " GĂȘnance totale " for the poor willies..... lol

    1. Thank you so much for your comment - et oui, les pauvres willies LOL !!

  4. I had a complete naked body sent to me - not a pretty sight!

    1. Men don't seem to realise it is the best way to put a woman off you

  5. You are hillarious. Loving your positive attitude. Pretty amazed by your strength. Thanks for sharing. Jules

    1. Thanks Jules- all my pleasure to share these experiences so common to so many of us middle aged and older women.


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