Just where are women today?
OK do not panic, this is not going to be feminist rave. Well, not quite.

Have just had 5 (bliss!) minutes to myself. 

Ripped open this week's Time mag, went straight to my favourite page...The World, Top 10.

My eyes swivelled directly to the flash regarding "Gender Equality Around the World."

The World Economic Forum has just released its annual report on how 134 countries are closing the gender gap in education, politics, health and economic opportunity.

No surprises for the top 5...
4 Scandinavian countries, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden and.....then NEW ZEALAND!!!
I will be honest, I cried.

My tears had nothing to do with NZ pride. They were all about what I have had to endure, as a woman, the last 17 years, in my new home country, France.

And now for a quote,
"France fell from No.18 to No. 46..."
Surprise, surprise !

I love this country, its history, its culture, BUT,
  • I am rather tired of being spoken about in the third person when standing next to my husband.
  •  I am sick of trying to get my bank to put my married name next to my maiden name on my cheque book. 
  • I am exhausted with dealing with men about issues which are entirely to do with me but they talk to my husband and not me, even if I am present. 
  • I am finding trite the comments about me, a woman, enjoying a glass of wine. One does not need a penis to appreciate good wine!
  • I abhor the fact that now I am remarried I am JOINED to my husband fiscally on HIS tax return. WIERD! I simply cease to exist!
  • I hate being paid so little compared to men doing LESS than myself and half as qualified!
AND, did I mention my friend who has to get her husband's signature for an issue about her mobile telephone..its a miracle we aren't NO. 134!!

Well that should give all desperate anglo housewives something to talk about for the next week.
And please, DO talk!
Let's "up" the female respect levels in France to modern world standards.

This mama is now going to make pasta!

Pepper Tomato Parma Ham Garlic Sauce for Pasta Shells

Yellow pepper
Red Pepper
100gr butter
3 ripe tomatoes
3 cloves garlic
piment d'espellette

Large pasta shells
fresh basil
4 slices parma/serrano..minced in food processor
fresh parmesan, grated finely

Chop up veg and sweat in butter with plenty of salt and pepper,
dash of piment d'espellette.

Zap parma/serrano ham in food processor with fresh basil.

Cook large pasta shells.

Serve shells with pepper tomato sauce, sprinkle over basil/ham mixture and grated 

Serve shells indivually with mixed green salad and an enormous red wine...


  1. Here here...my story when looking for a house in France. Just arrived in France (10 years ago) and was looking for a house to buy with my two sons 10 and 12 year old (hubby still in the US). Found a couple of houses that I wanted to visit for the second time; well...the young snipper of a Realtor sales man asked med if I had my husbands authorization???? WHAT!!!! I called my husband and told him I'm moving back to Atlanta...he called the Realtor and gave him his ear, the Realtor called me back and said he'd be delighted to show me the houses. Forget IT! I called the Realtor back when I bought a house, with another real estate agency, and told him he just missed out on a great commission and that I would never recommend his agency to anyone!!! He needed to change his attitude big time. Alas, live and learn.

  2. @ Dessi, thanks for your comment. Important to share all these goodies so that we and others can move forward!

  3. So appreciated your post about Parity. True, France is way behind. Up to us to bring things forward. I too am sick of being an underling/woman in this country. There is so much good here, so much worth being here for but the sexist crap has to stop!
    Thanks Susie


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